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How to survive coronavirus self-isolation when you struggle with your mental health and go insane

Updated: Apr 7, 2021

How to survive coronavirus self-isolation when you struggle with your mental health - Things you can do when you are stuck in Covid 19 lockdown.

Do’s and Don'ts of things you can do when you feel like you’re going insane in the coronavirus self-isolation.

Are you self-isolated by yourself and don’t know how to keep yourself busy? Do you struggle with mental health problems and the coronavirus lockdown increases your frustration? Or are you simply just bored and don’t know what to do while you are forced to stay at home during this worldwide epidemic lockdown? Here are a few tips on how to deal with being self-isolated and how you can make the most out of the covid 19 lockdowns.

Do’s, for everyone in isolation:

1. Try to keep up with a daily routine. Try to maintain a regular time for getting up, having meals, doing work, having free time, and going to bed. Maintaining a lifestyle that seems organized or scheduled will give you the feeling of normality and keep you sane.

2. Build a healthy pattern. Eat healthily, you are what you eat, and do workouts from home, the body keeps the score. Dress normally like it was a regular day and do your daily hygiene.

3. Restrict your social media use. I know it's hard to not check on the news and your friends all the time, but your phone will probably drain you and in the worst case cause more anxiety and depression. Be conscious of how much time you actually spend on your phone and turn it off if necessary.

4. Meditate regularly. It is proven that meditation creates mindfulness, inner peace, and happiness. You have time now. Use it for grounding and creating a strong mindset.

5. Make money online and create your own home office. Maybe even start your own personal brand or business. Try to find ways to make money from home. Grow that business you always wanted to grow. Become a blog writer. Whatever you can think of. Get creative.

6. Create things or learn a new craft. Keep yourself busy with things you couldn’t find the time before the coronavirus lockdown. Get that dusty guitar out again. Find your way back to dancing or yoga. You have time to do all the things to do right now for which you always said: “I would do it if I just had the time…” Go for it.

7. If you are self-isolated with someone else, treat each other with kindness. Share love and support. Of course, people can get on our nerves sometimes but we have to be there for each other, especially in times of need.


How to keep hustling while being stuck in COVID-19 self-isolation

  • Read new books or listen to audiobooks to learn new things.

  • Write down your goals for the future and how you can keep growing while being in lockdown.

  • Set yourself daily and weekly “lockdown” goals.

  • Use YouTube or audio guides to learn how to grow and expand your business.

  • Write a book or your own biography.

  • Listen to podcasts or start your own.

  • Find yourself an online mentor or listen to online courses on Udemy.

  • Try out some new social media accounts that could inspire you or teach you.

  • Listen to binaural beats to increase focus and concentration.

  • Take conscious breaks from work and do something completely different. Maybe learn a new language or a new instrument. This activates your creative brain and also makes you smarter.


How to entertain yourself with new things, when you’re bored in lockdown

  • Try new dishes and recipes from different cultures.

  • Video call a friend/family member or a group of people to get outside insights.

  • Watch a classic musical and sing along as loud as you can, maybe dance.

  • Listen to your favorite albums from your youth, turn up the volume!

  • Try doing online karaoke.

  • Decorate the house with different colors and themes, bring it to life.

  • Write down all the things you want to do when the time in self-isolation is over.

  • Get the popcorn going and make a movie night.


How to get mindfulness, when you’re frustrated in self-isolation

  • Take time to meditate.

  • Do a workout.

  • Try guided self-hypnosis.

  • Take a long relaxing (salted) bath.

  • Turn on some candles at night time.

  • Write some poetry or short stories.

  • Tidy up all the houses and the room and cleanse the energy of the rooms within.

  • Watch the sunrise or sunset from your window.

  • Get cozy, drink green tea and read a book.

  • Keep a diary in which you write down all the feelings you experienced throughout the day.

Don’ts, especially when you have mental health problems:

Don’t forget about self-care, especially now.

Don’t go back to a toxic relationship, just because you feel lonely.

Don’t spend your whole day scrolling through your Instagram feed.

Don't forget about hygiene. Taking a shower is also good for your mind.

Don’t overeat or under-eat yourself, try to maintain eating healthy.

Don’t waste your time with things that won’t give you any form of satisfaction.

Don’t overwork yourself, if you’re a hustler. It’s important to take breaks.

Don’t be too harsh on yourself.

Don’t fear reaching out for help if things go downhill for you and you have no one at home during the Coronavirus lockdown. It is okay to ask for help. #Itsokaynottobeokay

Have an emergency plan you can follow in case of an extremely emotional crisis.


Use your time wisely and mindfully. This can be a chance for you to discover your own self and your own strengths more. When things become fragile, we realize how much power lies within ourselves. Make use of that power and take advantage of your own full potential.

Everything will be fine!


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