Mental health is something we all have and require taking care of. Just like if you had a back injury; you’d ask the suitable doctors, you would search with alternative ways of treating your back pain, you would treat your back pain and then you’d take several measures to limit that back pain or injury from reoccurring. Mental health, in many forms, is the same.
I intend this article to help you understand the stages that mental health patients encounter.

The First Stage is Pre-Conception: In this stage, you know unpredictably that something seems off and possibly in denial. Some may discern and even make comments that something feels off and go about their life, taking no further action for relief or change.
The Second Stage is Contemplation: In this stage, the person’s symptoms have interfered with daily functioning. They have recognized there is a problem, or their loved ones may have said it is time to seek expert help. However, most people have confused feelings about seeking help. They worry about the disgrace of treatment and are afraid that something is wrong with them or it worries them they may be ‘crazy’.

The Third Stage is Crisis: Typically, this stage can avoid if you acknowledge you need help in stages one or two. However, if you do not understand you need help once you reach this stage, you may undergo feelings similar to having a nervous collapse. These sensations of being in crisis mode, or sensing a threatening crisis,
will most likely leave you fighting to function at home and work. In response, family members typically present an array of responses from fear, worry, and yet anger.
The Fourth Stage is Seeking Help: Ideally, this stage happens before the crisis, however, in most circumstances, the crisis shows the call for help. Sadly, the mental health care system can be slow, complex, and scary. I’ve seen how tough it can be for patients when they are in this stage of the crisis, and it can involve unnecessary and costly visits to the ER or even hospitalization. You must find a provider, you believe, who can help you quickly.
The Fifth Stage is Engagement: This is the stage where you begin to actively work with a health provider. Because the association is still new, trust can be challenging. For some, this may be the very first time they are letting their emotions to surface, and thinking and expressing them can be very painful. At this stage, it is very important to develop trust and a sense of connection with your health provider.
In short, the implications of the steps of recovery are momentous. Not only do they allow clarity, but the stages also provide us insight into how treatments and other support can maximize. Check my YouTube videos and Instagram stories, to find more information about mental illness and its remedies
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